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Relationship Counselling

By November 26, 2018 September 17th, 2020 One Comment

Relationship counselling, also called couples therapy, helps couples whether married or not, to recognize and resolve conflicts or challenges that may be impacting on their relationship.


Why do we need a Relationship Counselling?


Often things don’t go as expected as relationships go through ups and downs. Therefore, it is not unusual to get stuck and find it difficult to get a position or balanced solution. However, what matters is how and when you get out of the challenging situation and enjoy your love again.


Marriage counseling can also help couples who are married or are planning to get married. Premarital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before marriage. It is essential to get a clear and mutual marital vision before one makes the commitment.


Relationship Counseling can help to address various issues and some are listed below;


  • lack of trust
  • betrayal or affair
  • jealousy
  • lack of communication
  • Poor communication
  • financial issues
  • differences in cultural or family background
  • different sexual needs
  • barriers to intimacy
  • family conflicts
  • different goals and values
  • different parenting styles
  • life changes
  • Plus more….


Benefits of seeking help by the Professionals


Relationship skills needed to maintain a fulfilling marriage could be learned!


A Relationship Counselor can teach you those skills while monitoring your progress, mediating conflict and giving objective feedback. The professional environment can provide “neutral territory” to help couples agree upon and work through tough issues.


Some of the benefits include;

  • Improving communication
  • Enjoying in a conscious relationship
  • Gaining insight in your relationship
  • Resolving conflict
  • Gaining clarity of your fears
  • Improving relationship satisfaction
  • Exploring concerns at any level and with any perceived weight
  • Getting and enjoying the love you want
  • Awareness of giving receiving and giving in the relationship
  • Healing childhood wounds impacting on the relationship
  • Working on the relationship based on a mutual understanding
  • Ironing out cultural or generational barriers
  • Regaining your independence through separation or breaking up
  • And more……


Whether you want to make or break your relationship or married,  relationship counseling always provides the safe environment to achieve your goals.


We are here to listen, advice and help you get the LOVE you want


Call 07445766096 or email: ultimatecounselling@gmail.com 


visit: www.ucts.co.uk


Author UCTS

More posts by UCTS

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  • The best gift you can give to a newly engaged couple-send them to marriage counselling. Some Churches make this mandatory. All of the above mentioned can help to learn what your partner is expecting, your expectations, how to handle important issues, if you are compatible or if the marriage is not ideal.

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